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type CliShortcuts = | boolean | { custom?: (shortcuts?: CliShortcut[]) => CliShortcut[]; };
>= 1.0.11
Whether to enable CLI shortcuts.
Press h + Enter to show all shortcuts:
h + Enter
Shortcuts: c + enter clear console o + enter open in browser q + enter quit process r + enter restart server u + enter show urls
export default { dev: { cliShortcuts: true, }, };
export default { dev: { cliShortcuts: false, }, };
export default { dev: { cliShortcuts: { custom: (shortcuts) => { return shortcuts.filter((shortcut) => shortcut.key !== 'o'); }, }, }, };
export default { dev: { cliShortcuts: { custom: (shortcuts) => { return [ ...shortcuts, { key: 's', description: 'say hello', action: () => { console.log('hello world!'); }, }, ]; }, }, }, };